Birthstone & Rings

Emerald is the Modern and Traditional
birthstone for May. It is also listed as a birthstone for the
Zodiac signs for Taurus and Cancer, as the Planetary stone for
Taurus and the Talismanic stone for Gemini. Emerald is the only
stone, besides Topaz, that is listed as in all of the ancient
birthstone tables. Emeralds are found in many countries, but
Columbia and Brazil are the major producers and Columbia is
recognized as the source for the finest stones. They are also
found in Pakistan, Russia, Australia, South Africa, India, Norway,
and the United States. Emeralds are brittle stones and care should
be taken when wearing or cleaning them. They should never be
immersed in an ultrasonic or subjected to steam cleaning.
Rings,Pendants & Jewellary Store
Gem Stone Cetification Details
Customized Jewellery

We have full fledged facilities to make Gold/Silver
Rings/Pendants/Bracelet of the given size, embedded with your
Astrological Gem Stone/Birth Stone..We are makers of Gold
Jewelry studded
with Precious and Semi-Precious Gemstones/Birthstones, diamond &
colored gem stones, Silver/Gold Rings, Pendants, Bracelets,
Earrings and all types of Stone Beads like amethyst
Our Rings/Pendants Designs
Gold Pendant