We offer very powerful Amulet for Black Magic
Protection. 'Raksha' is 'Protection' and Kavach/kawach
is 'Shield'. 'Raksha Kavach' is the most powerful Talisman for
protection and cure of Black magic. 'Raksha Kawach' removes all
ill-effects of Black magic, Evil spells, Curses, Ghosts and Spirits.
It cures one of evil effects of past attacks and protects one from
all future attacks. Complete wearing instructions are also sent for
the desired results. It not only remove the effects of Black Magic
but also stop future attack as well. Certain precautions are to be
adopted, while wearing this Amulet for Black Magic Protection. This
Black Magic Protection Talisman is blessed with Vedic Mantras.We ship worldwide.
We also offer Vedic Pujas & Homam to remove Black Magic/Evil
Forces/Voodoo/Negative Energy. Pl.send your details.
Occult Items for Black Magic Removal

Following are the Tantric items which can be
very beneficial to today's man. What's more, they do not require
any daily worship and give benefit only be keeping with oneself.

'Siyar' is a jackal, and 'Singhi' is horns - very rare type of
jackals have horns, and these horns are called Siyar Singhi or
Siyar Singh. This should be kept in vermillion powder or 'sindoor',
and it's hair will automatically grow. Siyar Singhi bestows
immense wealth, good luck, victory over enemies, success in
ventures, law suits and examinations. It also help in removing Evil
Spirits, Black Magic and Witchcraft.

Hatha Jori or Hatha Jodi, is a wonder of nature, in which two
hands are joined together, as if in prayer. This is actually root
of a very rare plant in the shape of folded hands. This, too,
should be kept in vermillion powder or 'sindoor'. Hatha Jori
blesses the worshipper with wealth and good luck, guards against
accidents and bad influences of any tantric effect. It also
increases the attraction power of a person, since it has the
powers of 'Vashikaran' or attraction. It is very useful in winning
favors or winning trials etc.

When a cat gives birth to kittens, she eats her naval chord
immediately, which is what makes this item extremely difficult to
procure, but equally useful if preserved. Cat's Chord should be
kept in vermillion powder or 'sindoor' in one's office or shop in
a cash box. Cat's Chord or Cat's Naval Chord or Billi Ke Jer,
blesses a person with wealth, prosperity, acquisition and
accumulation of money, increasing savings and building assets. It
is also known as Billi Ke Zer or Billi Ke Jer or billi Ki Nal.

This is made of Mercury and Silver and is made by a person with
very high spiritual power with many 'Siddhis' using immense power
and spiritual energy. When kept in the Sun, it gives rainbow

This is a Sea-shell which opens towards the right hand, and is
very rare with lot of spiritual significance, because Sea-shells
which open towards the left hand are very common. Dakshinawarti
Sankh is a rare one and is also known as Vishnu Shankh.This Sankh
saves a person from all troubles and problems, removes hurdles and
fulfills all desires and offers money and materials.
All above items are Siddha (Energised)
and prices given below includes Shipping/Handling
charges. Free Puja Manual to
establish these amazing Tantric Products at your Home/Puja Room
will be given.