Palmistry & Palm Reading

Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric
caves it would seem the human hand held a interest for humans
since the stone age. Archaeological discoveries have discovered
hands made of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations. The
emperor of china used his thumbprint when sealing documents in
3000 bc. Information on the laws and practice of hand reading have
been found in vedic scripts, the bible and early Semitic writings.
Aristotle (384-322 bc) discovered a treatise on palmistry on an
alter to the god Hermes. The Greek physicians Hippocrates and
Galen (ad 130-200) were both knowledgeable about the use of
palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his
men by palmistry.
For assessment of Future Life Prediction based upon Palmistry please
send scanned copy of Palm Photograph of both Palms (hands) in a clear and
readable format through email attachment..Pl. send clear
pictures of your both Palms separately, preferably taken by a
Digital Camera, and Palm Pictures must be taken from your forearm
portion, where you normally wears wrist watch or bangle, as that
part contains some very important Palm Lines, till full Palm.
Prediction based upon Palmistry
Service of Astro-Palmistry

We have very Special Service of combining
Vedic Astrology to Palmistry, as we know Horoscope/Kundli/Birth
Chart provides planetary position at the Birth Time, whereas
or Hand Reading provides present planetary position and combination
of both will give correct Astrological picture. For this you
need to give your correct Birth Details and also provide both Palms
clear scan picture, in which lines or Hasthrekha must be clearly
visible.Hastha Rekha Gyan is very ancient Palmistry Science in
India. All needed Astro-Remedies will also be suggested, as per your
Palm Reading.
Fee Astro-Palmistry
Astrological Rings & Pendants
your Favourable Gemstone based upon Palmistry & Astrology
Planetary Gem Stones