Morganite Gemstone, also known as "Pink Beryl," "Rose Beryl,"
"Pink Emerald," and "Cesian Beryl," is a rare light pink to
rose-colored gem-quality variety of beryl. Orange/yellow
varieties of Morganite can also be found, and color banding is
common. Morganite Stone is a stone that is often called Pink
Emerald. This could be because they are both varieties of
Beryl, but it is more likely that it is because of the
metaphysical properties of this lovely pink crystal. The
gemstone morganite is the rare variety compared to other
common beryl's like aquamarine, heliodor. The common varieties
of the mineral morganite are orange, yellow and pink. The red
beryl known as "red emerald," is a very rare.Morganite Stone
has been found in Thailand, Brazil, Madagascar, Africa and the
USA. Specimens of this crystal are beautifully transparent
stones. This Morganite Stones or Pink Crystal is both a Heart
Chakra and higher heart or thymus Chakra Stone and it has a
very heart centered energy that resonates powerfully with the
spiritual love of the Divine Realm. We have all qualities of
Morganite Stone and all Gemstones are Lab Tested & Certified
and each order comes with a Gem Certificate.