All Stones and Gems have magnetic powers. Most
of them also have the power to heal. The vibrations and
frequencies they emit influence human beings in a very powerful
way. They create strong energy fields that are absorbed by the
body. The primary use for gems throughout history has been for
healing and spiritual rituals. Although gems were rare and
exhibited great beauty, the reason they were so precious was due
to the power they imparted to their wearers. They are storehouses
of empowerment, transmitted through contact with one’s body. Kings
and queens would have gemstones set in their crowns to obtain
their potencies. They connected the monarchs with forces enabling
them to rule guided by cosmic energies. Priests of different
religions used gems in rings for similar reasons. Similarly each
gem radiates a colour that goes to heal the aura that encircles
each human being. The aura exists in seven states which are the
physical-etheric, the astral, the lower mental, the higher mental,
the spiritual causal, the intuitive and the divine or absolute
Prescribing a
gemstone to ward off any planetary afflictions in a birth chart of
any person is a very delicate procedure. The prescription of a gem
depends largely on the astrologer's keen observation and
intuition. The stone must be match the qualities of the person.
The stone must 'arouse' the qualities that a person needs to
become success. We must find out which gems will boost the
wearer's luck and prosperity and prescribe accordingly. The remedy
must play down the bad qualities of the person while enhancing
good ones. After ascertaining the type of stone the next step is
the weight to be used. This is a very tricky problem.
Know your Birth/Zodiac
Stone based upon Astrology
Gem Stone Certification Details
Custom Jewelry Making Facilities

have full fledged facilities to make Platinum,White Gold, Yellow
Gold, Sterling Silver in
Rings/Pendants/Bracelet of the given size, embedded with your
Astrological Gem Stone. We are manufacturers of Gold
Jewelry studded
with Precious and Semi-Precious Gemstones/Birthstones, diamond &
colored gem stones, Silver/Gold Rings, Pendants, Bracelets,
Our Rings/Pendants Designs