The sea shell which open towards left hand are
commonly available but rare the seashells which open towards Right
Side. Shells are obtained from the water-animals especially form
snails, which live in the seas. Dakshina means the south side or
when holding the sankh , Right Side. Therefore it is called
Dakshinavarti Shankh. Dakshinavarti Shankh is available in white
colour and with brown lines on it. Dakshinavarti Shankh is the
symbol of Ma Lakshmi.Ordinarily the conches are Vamvarti i.e their
bulge opening towards left side. Some shells are Dakshinvarti, their
bulge opening towards the right side i.e facing south and even their
sprial lines run towards the right . South is the direction of Kuber,
the God of wealth, Tantrik Shastra has given great importance ot
such types of shells. Dakshinvarti shells are very reare and are
found only in a very few palces . Their sizes differ, starting form
the size of a wheat gram ot as large as coconut. Mostly these shells
ar available only at Kenya Kumari. A completely white coloured-one
is very rearely found.Dakshina varti shankh not only bring wealth
but also purifies the atmosphere.
We Also have Vamawarty Shankh,Moti Sankh and Gaumukh
Sankh,Heera Shankh and Cowry Conche.Price of all these Dakshinavarti Shankh,Moti Shankh and
Gaumukh Shankh is 50$ each.Pl. send your request.Complete
Puja Method will also be sent ,to establish these divine shankh.