Birth Stones

Every month has a special Gemstone which
represents that month. People around the world celebrate the
birthday of their loved ones by giving Birthstones
Rings/Pendants and what better way than by choosing Birthstone
Gemstone Jewelry.
Birthstones are various gems associated with
the particular calendar months of the year, and are considered
lucky to people who are born in those months. The gem stone /
birth stone should be set in the right metal and with the right
weight. It should be worn on the correct finger of the working
hand. Each gem, with its constant source of specific rays, gives
rise to constructive vibrations that have therapeutic powers.
Hence wearing your appropriate birth stone will always give you
luck and prosperity.
gems also have the power to ward off the
ill-effects of planets and worn in the form of birth stone. The Mystical Birthstone list is of Tibetan
origin from over a thousand years ago. Ancient lore says that
these stones are to help one overcome the obstacles of their
birth month. The Ayurvedic Birthstone list is from
Ayurvedic Indian Medicine - a type of medicine used for over a
thousand years. If you want a healing gemstone, you may wish to
consider one of these.
Birthstone Recommendation
Pricing: 45$
Gemstones and Birthstones

Find your Astrological Birth Stone
View Gem Stone Certification Details
All types of Birth Stones based upon Vedic
is available with us, we have full fledged Silver/ Gold Ring/Pendant
making facilities of the given size. It takes only three days tome to
make Rings/Pendants ready. If size is not available then Stretchable
Rings are also available. Choose the Gem Stone or let us find your
correct Gem stone to change your fortune. If Gem Stone Ring/Pendant is ordered then we will
offer Free Services of Gem Recommendation
Report based on Horoscope Analysis ,Visit
our Gem Store to find more...
Birthstone Custom
Jewelry Making

have full fledged facilities to make Platinum/White Gold/Yellow Gold/Sterling
Silver in
Rings/Bands/Pendants/Bracelet of the given size, embedded with your
Astrological Gem Stone or Birthstone. We are manufacturers of Gold
Jewelry studded
with Precious and Semi-Precious Gemstones/Birthstones, Diamond &
Colored Gem Stones, Silver/Gold Rings, Pendants, Bracelets,
Earrings. Gem
Certificate is sent with each order.
Our Birthstone Rings/Pendants Designs