Astrology birth chart reports are personal
astrological reports based on placement of celestial bodies at the
date, time and place of birth. Each report is a unique reading
about only one person. Get your free vedic
analysis based on our rich experience. Highly personalized &
accurate. The Aura image is a visual representation of the planets
that influence your personality, your mind and your soul. It is a
color-coded image describing your personality traits. If you look
at the chart carefully, you will notice three concentric circles.
The innermost circle represents your soul, the middle circle
represents your mind and the outermost circle represents the outer
side of your personality or how you show yourself to the world.
astrologers will analyze your birth chart and prepare an
exhaustive report that will provide you a deep insight into the
different areas of your life like health, finance, family, career,
romance and marriage!
Astrology Chart Reports
Pricing: 45$
your Stone based on Astrology Chart Report