Mars/Mangal is the chief of the assembly of the nine planets.
It is also personified as the god of war. It is regarded as a
malefic planet in astrology and gives its natives the ability to put
their own desires above those of others. It's color is red and the
ruler of the direction - south. It is the symbol of blood and
perseverance in human life. The gemstone related to Mars is Coral
and its zodiac signs are the Aries and the Scorpio. Moonga/Munga or
Red Corals are found in many colours red, scarlet, saffron, pink to
vermilion red and white. Its temperament is hot. Coral gemstone
creates many virtues like courage, perseverance, capability to face
and solve circumstances and problems and enables a man to take
risks. gemstone is also an ideal gem for a happy marital life.
Also available White Coral & Pink Coral Gem Stone. We have
all shapes of Red Coral in Round, Triangular, Cylindrical, Heart and
Oval. All these Red Corals are Natural, Unheated, Untreated, Lab
Tested & Certified. Gem Certificate is sent with each order.
How to know that
Red Coral Stone suits me?
Red Coral Moonga
Rings, Pendants & Jewelry Store
Types of
available Corals
Red, White, Pink,
Triangular, Taiwan
or Desi, Italian
& Japanese
All Precious Gem Stones
including Red Corals are Certified, these
Gem Stones are categorized into three category depending upon their
quality, cut, polishing and clarity, Quality Certification will
be provided from Gem Testing Laboratory (Govt. of India
Approved )
View Red Coral Gem Certification
whether Red Coral Stone will suit you?
starts 30$ @ carat Onwards
Customized Jewelry Making Facilities

We have full fledged
facilities to make Platinum, White Gold, Yellow Gold, Sterling
Silver, Copper
in Rings/Bands/Pendants/Bracelet of the given size, embedded with
your Astrological Gem
Stone. It takes around 3 days
time to make them. On customer's request we will also Energize/ Abhimantrit/Bless them with
Mantras to give desired effect. We will also let you know complete
Spiritual Support with Mantras to wear these Astrological Ornaments
on the specified Day and Time. As these astrological ornaments required to be
adopted on the basis of planetary needs.
Our Rings/Pendants Design