Crystal One
Dimensinal Shriyantra

Shri Yantra remove all the negative vibrations
and add positive cosmic energies into our environment. It is
beneficial for almost everybody and must be used by everyone.
Shri Yantras come in 2-dimensional(2D) and
3-dimensional(3D) structures. The Mandalas of Sri Yantras are
made of 9 interlacing triangles - 4 upward representing the male
principle and 5 downward representing the female principle.
Together, they represent the non-static, vibrating, creative force
of the universe. The point in the center or Bindu, represents the
point of creative manifestation - the seed core behind time and
space, Shiva and Shakti (male and female energies) united in bliss.
given above are inclusive of Shipping/Handling Charges.
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weight and pricing etc. Shipping/Handling charges may be extra.